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Flashcards: 81
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Consider the role of water in solid powder particles behaviour
- Wetting the surface of ceramic particle and decrease of the friction coefficient - Introduction of liquid with high viscosity among powder particles - Dissolution of polymers - Dispersion of solid particles in the liquid
What is the meaning of “zero point charge” in suspension of powder particles
Isolectrical point = point of zero charge (pzc) occures at pH, where: [MO-] = [MOH2+]
Describe electrical double layer (EDL)
EDL is of a given thickness; the effective diameter of a particle is higher if measured with EDL EDL shows the effective chargé ζ Both, the thickness and the chargé of EDL can be changed via pH It is convenient to measure pH value for zeta potential ζ=0 (isoelectrical point)
How DLVO describes behaviour of particles in the liquid medium?
Particles could produce attractive and repulsive forces. If the repulsive forces are stronger then attractive a suspension is stable, if not particles coagulate
What is the origin of electrostatic repulsion of ceramic particles in the polar liquid?
electrostatic repulsion forces: repulsion of two identical charged ions
What are the means of suspension stabilization?
- pH-changing agents - polymer - sulfactants
Requirements (3) for polymer stabilization of suspension
-efficient thickness of polymer layer - total cover on particle surface by polymer - effective anchoring of polymer on particle Surface
What is the role of surfactants in stabilization of suspension?
Increase distance between particles suspension
How can you describe “a stable suspension”?
- Sedimentation is very slow - Sediment is well packed - The liquid over a sediment is „misty/cloudy” – it contains fine particles
List the types (4) of intergranular bonding of particles in water presence
a) bridged b) suspended c )capilary d) droplet
41. Give the stages of granules formation from the solution
Sprying solution -&rt; Powder -&rt; Wetting and absorbing -&rt; Solidified -&rt; Solid Briedge -&rt; Final Granules
List the main constituents (4) of suspension for casting
Solvent - controls viscosity, Binder - improves mechanical properties, Plasticizer- it gives elasticity, Defflocculant – it keeps dispersion of particles
Give the names of various casting (3)
Slip-casting a ceramic part, Centrifugal casting of ceramics, Tape casting
Describe the meaning of “slip” and “slurry”
Slip – water suspension of fine clay particles Slurry – complex suspension of fine powder in water or in solvent
Stages of slip casting to porous moulds
Making the slip -&rt; Pouring suspension (slip) into a mould of plaster -&rt; Water passes via capillary action into porous plaster -&rt; Sintering