
To Kill A Mockingbird

Flashcards for quick repetition. To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee published in 1960. Prepare yourself before school wit this quiz.
Flashcards: 30 Played: 1736 times
The narrator goes by the nickname "...." Her real name is .....
Jem and Scout's father's name is:
The narrator works as a .... for a living.
Jeremy Finch is .... of scout. He is .... years older than "Scout".
Jim and Scout's mother died from a .....
Miss Caroline told the narrator that .... could not continue teaching .....
Who is Zeboo?
Aunt Alexandra son
Bob Ewell's son
Calpurnia's son
Calpurnia's son
Bob Ewell's daughters name is ..... She tries to stay clean, takes care of her brothers and sisters. She has ....
Who is Miss Maudie Atkinson?
a facmous cook
an old friend of Atticus's
Judge at Tom Robinson's trial
an editor of the Maycomb Tribune
an old friend of Atticus's
Who is Mr. Gilmer?
Prosecuting attorney in Tom Robinson's trial
Judge at Tom Robinson's trial
Garbage truck driver
Editor of the Maycomb Tribune
Prosecuting attorney in Tom Robinson's trial
Who is Miss Caroline Fisher?
editor of the Maycomb Tribune
famous cook
one of Scout's teachers
preacher at the Zion Church
one of Scout's teachers
The book is set within a period of:
The Great Depression
II World War
I World War
The Great Depression
Mrs. Dubose was addicted to .... and is trying to free herself from it.
Who is the author of the novel?
Harper Lee
Who is sheriff of Maycomb?
Reverend Sykes
Tom Robinson
Heck Tate
Heck Tate