
Planet Mars - astronomy questions

Flashcards for quick repetition. Sooner or later we will land on Mars and colonize it. It is one of most studied planets. Scientists know a lot about it, but what do you know about red planet?
Flashcards: 20 Played: 2014 times
Mars is the .... planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System after .....
Mars is often referred to as the "Red Planet" because the reddish .... prevalent on its surface gives it a reddish appearance.
Mars lost its magnetosphere
4 billion years ago
2 billion years ago
2.8 billion years ago
3 billion years ago
4 billion years ago
The mean surface pressure is only .... of that of Earth.
How many moons orbit Mars?
The atmosphere of Mars consists of about 96% ...., 1.93% .... and 1.89% .... along with traces of oxygen and water.
Mars orbital period equals:
176.446 days
686.971 days
382.487 days
589.922 days
686.971 days
Martian soil to be slightly :
Liquid water cannot exist on the surface of Mars because
there is no water
its frozen
its deep beneath the surface
low atmospheric pressure
low atmospheric pressure
Does Mars have permanent polar caps?
yes, one
yes, two
yes, two
Olympus Mons and related terrain are approximately .... km across.
Mars's average distance from the Sun is roughly
258 million kilometres
295 million kilometres
230 million kilometres
180 million kilometres
230 million kilometres
Day on Mars lasts:
24 hours, 18 minutes
25 hours, 6 minutes
24 hours, 39 minutes
23 hours, 59 minutes
24 hours, 39 minutes
Mars has two relatively small natural moons, Phobos (about .... km in diameter) and Deimos (about .... km in diameter), which orbit close to the planet.
Moon on this picture is:

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