
Proteins - definitions

Flashcards for quick repetition. Questions about aminoacids, proteins and corresponding subjects.
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A bond between two amino acids through dehydration synthesis.
Peptide bond
The number and arrangement of multiple folded protein subunits in a multi-subunit complex.
Quaternary structure
Overall 3 dimensional shape of a polypeptide. This determines the function of the protein.
Tertiary structure
The area of the enzyme were the reaction happens. If the enzyme changes, this would change.
Active site
The chemical that speeds up virtually all chemical reactions all your cells
The polymer of amino acids. The shape and containing amino acids determined functions
The thing created after a chemical reaction
The thing that goes into an enzyme to change in a chemical reaction
The unique sequence of a polypeptide chain.
Primary structure
There are about 20 different kinds of this molecule
Amino acids
A macromolecular biological catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions.
amino acids
Polypeptide is:
Four or more amino acids chained together
Three or more amino acids chained together
Two or more amino acids chained together
Three or more amino acids chained together
When a polypeptide chain coils or folds into a alpha helix or a beta pleated sheet.
Secondary structure
A process when proteins or nucleic acids lose the quaternary structure, tertiary structure, and secondary structure which is present in their native state, by application of some external stress.