Quiz: Art of Ancient Egypt
Flashcards for quick repetition. Test your ancient Egypt art knowledge. What do you know about history of pyramids, sculptures, paintings and religious cult of ancient Egypt.
Flashcards: 21
Played: 1860 times
Why did much of the artwork in Ancient Egyptian tombs survive?
Their locations were closely guarded secrets.
The dry weather and lack of sun preserved the paintings.
People were not allowed to enter the tombs.
They were made with special paints.
The dry weather and lack of sun preserved the paintings.
What does the photograph show?
Mask of Amenemope
Mask of Tutankhamun
Mask of Ramesses X
Mask of Agamemnon
The Amarna Period was during...
the Seventeenth Dynasty
the Eighteenth Dynasty
During what time period in ancient Egypt was the construction of mastabas most prominent?
Middle Kingdom
Karnak Kingdom
Old Kingdom
New Kingdom
Where is the Great Sphinx located?
How many parts are contained in the temple complex at Karnak in Egypt?
It's a standing stone slab used in the ancient world primarily as a grave marker but also for dedication, commemoration, and demarcation. What is that?
A mezuzah
A nuraghe
A relief
A stele
Who's pyramid is the greatest one?
Pyrmid of Menkuare
Pyramid of Khufu
Pyramid of Khafre
Which Egyptian god has the head of a jackal?
A huge stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics, Greek, and a later form of Egyptian that allowed historians to understand Egyptian writing.
Rosetta Stone
Where was the Seated Scribe discovered?
In Giza
In Saqqara
In Karnak
In Alexandria
Which Egyptian god has the head of a bull?
A tall, pointed, four-sided pillar in Egypt. What is that?
What does the photograph show?