Paul Cezanne
Flashcards for quick repetition. What do you know about Paul Cezanne? Check it out!
Flashcards: 20
Played: 2729 times
The title of the painting is The Card Players. In 2011 this particular piece became the most expensive work of art ever sold to the Royal Family of Qatar for what estimated price?
Between $300 million and $350 million
Between $200 million and $250 million
Between $150 million and $200 million
Between $250 million and $300 million
Between $250 million and $300 million
What is the subject of Paul Cezanne's still life "Pommes, Peches, Poires et Raisins"?
He abandoned the study of law only months short of finishing a degree in order to move to Paris and pursue art full time.
Paul Cezanne was an impressionist painter.
This painting painted between 1894 and 1895 has two titles. One of them is "Woman in a Green Hat". What is the second title?
Madame Cezanne