Class 9, Chapter 1 - The French Revolution | NCERT
Flashcards for quick repetition. French society during the end of Late Eighteength Century, The Outbreak of the Revolution, France becomes Republic, woman rights, abolition of slavery. History class 9 chapter 1 exercise test and solutions.
Flashcards: 17
Played: 1002 times
Which king ruled France when revolution began?
Louis XIV
Louis XVII
Louis XV
Louis XVI
Match society estates with their descriptions.
3rd estate
peasants, servants, artisans, lawyers
Which statements are true?
1. Peasants made up about 90% of 18th century France.
2. Tithe was a tax levied by church, comprising one-fifth of agricultural produce.
3. France helped American colonies to fight Britain for independence.
4. In 1789, French population reached 28 million.
5. The Spirit of the Laws was written by Jean Jacques Rousseau.
1. Peasants made up about 90% of 18th century France.
2. France helped American colonies to fight Britain for independence.
3. In 1789, French population reached 28 million.
What was the name of a political body French king had to convocate to raise taxes?
Estates General
Which of French society estates were obligated to pay taxes?
2nd state
3rd state
1st state
What was the unit of currency in France before the revolution and when it was discounted?
It was
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, which was discounted in
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It was livre, which was discounted in 1794.
To whom taille tax was paid?
Which statements are true?
1. When Louis XVI ascended the throne, he was 42 years old.
2. Subsistence crisis is an extreme situation where most influental and rich society groups do not pay taxes.
3. Professions such as lawyers, scholars or administrative officials were members of third estate.
1. Professions such as lawyers, scholars or administrative officials were members of third estate.
Who proposed a division of power within the government between
the legislative, the executive and the judiciary?
John Locke
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Match dates.
Louis XVI becomes king of France
outbreak of French Revolution
new constitution of France
France declared a republic
execution of Louis XVI
When did Louis XVI called together assembly of the Estates General? How many representatives each estate had?
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. First estate had
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representative, second estate
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and third estate
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On 5 May 1789. First estate had 300 representative, second estate 300 and third estate 600.
Which statements are true?
1. During Estates General convocation, each member had one vote.
2. The Social Contract was written by Jean Jacques Rousseau.
3. The representatives of third estate left Estates General and gathered in tennis court in the grounds of Versailles to draft a constitution.
4. National Assembly was created on 1 July 1789.
5. Abbé Sieyès was a priest.
1. The Social Contract was written by Jean Jacques Rousseau.
2. The representatives of third estate left Estates General and gathered in tennis court in the grounds of Versailles to draft a constitution.
3. Abbé Sieyès was a priest.
What was the direct cause of destruction of Bastille?
The king ordered troops to enter Paris.
Representatives of third estate decided to take over Paris.
The king refused to introduce reforms.
The Royal Guard arrested the leaders of National Assembly.
The king ordered troops to enter Paris.
What kind of system was introduced in France by the constitution of 1791?
constitutional monarchy
enlightened absolutism
Who was entitled to vote in new French political system?
Those people were called active citizens. To become an active citizen one had to be
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years of age and pay taxes to at least
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days of labourer's wage.
Those people were called active citizens. To become an active citizen one had to be man above 25 years of age and pay taxes to at least 3 days of labourer's wage.
What inalienable rights were included in Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.
equality before law
freedom of opinion
right to posess arms
right to life
equality in matter of wealth
freedom of speech
equality before law
freedom of opinion
right to life
freedom of speech
On which countries France declared war on April 1792?