Class 6, Chapter 1 - Food: Where does it come from? | NCERT
Flashcards for quick repetition. Food variety, food materials and sources, plant parts and animal products as food. What do animals eat? Science class 6 chapter 1 exercise test and solutions.
Flashcards: 7
Played: 851 times
Which products are made from milk?
What's the name of a substance collected by bees from flowers?
It is used by bees to make honey.
What do we need to prepare roti/chapati?
What are herbivores?
animals eating all kinds of food
small animals living in the meadows
animals eating only plants
animals living in forested areas
animals eating only plants
Which statements are true?
1. All parts of plants are edible for humans, except roots which are toxic.
2. Buffaloes, cows and goats gives us milk.
3. Seeds of mustard plants give us oil.
1. Buffaloes, cows and goats gives us milk.
2. Seeds of mustard plants give us oil.
What ingredient is necessary for moong seeds to sprout?
Animals that eat only other animals are called: