Prehistoric art
Flashcards for quick repetition. What do you know about the prehistoric art? Can you name paintings and sculptures? Test your knowledge.
Flashcards: 20
Played: 2243 times
It's a metalworking technique in which a malleable metal is ornamented or shaped by hammering from the reverse side to create a design in low relief.
Alla Prima
Sumerian art
Statues of Gudea
Prehistoric art
Venus figurines
What does the term "Paleolithic" mean?
Comes from Latin and means "a really long time ago."
Comes from Greek and means "old stone age."
Comes from the Hebrew word meaning "hard stone."
Comes from Arabic and means "before writing."ic"
Comes from Greek and means "old stone age."
Prehistoric artists wrote down their thoughts, feelings, and artistic process for later generations of artists and others to read.
Humans were making art long before they invented writing or farming.
What did the prehistoric paintings in European caves mean to the people who created them?
The cave paintings are evidence of a prehistoric religion.
The cave paintings show how much people cared about animals.
None of the above.
The cave paintings are evidence of a prehistoric political system.
We don't know.
Venus of Willendorf is made up of what raw material or substance?
Sand and Mudd
We don't know.
Limestone and Red Ocher
Rock, Mudd, and Sticks
The Great Halls of Bulls is composed of which 3 animal groups?
Bulls, horses and stags
Horses, rhinos and bulls
Lions, tigers and bears
Cheetahs, stags and horses
When did Lascaux and Altamira caves get discovered?
The prehistoric figurines that represent humans are almost all male.
What does the size of the Venus of Willendorf suggest about the people that made her?
The Venus of Willendorf is the size of a newborn, which shows that she reminded people about fertility and the goddess Venus.
The Venus of Willendorf is small and fits into the palm of your hand. The people that made the sculpture were nomadic, which means that they moved to different locations throughout the year, and did not stay in the same place.
The Venus of Willendorf is as small as a bead, so that she could be worn on a necklace by women.
The Venus of Willendorf is a giant statue (as seen in the movie Hellboy 2). People probably worshipped this sculpture and gave her offerings of food. These people lived in the same place over a long period of time.
The Venus of Willendorf is small and fits into the palm of your hand. The people that made the sculpture were nomadic, which means that they moved to different locations throughout the year, and did not stay in the same place.
On the picture we can see...
Where can we find the painting?
What are menhirs?
Single vertical megaliths
Big stones
Clay tablets covered with ocher
Cobblestoned reeds
Single vertical megaliths