Class 6, Chapter 1 - What, where, how and when? | NCERT
Flashcards for quick repetition. Social Science, Our Pasts I online test and solutions. Answer questions and repeat what you learn about first human settlements in ancient times. First human settlements and empires. History class 6 chapter 1 exercise test and solutions.
Flashcards: 21
Played: 1060 times
When and where were the first coins made?
They were developed in
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They were developed in Greece about 600 BC.
What information can we usually gather from coins?
people's daily life
information about wars
name of the ruler
games people used to play
How do we call sites from which we can extract historical remains?
archeological sites
How do we mark the dates after the birth of Christ?
How do we mark the dates before the birth of Christ?
What does AD stand for?
Alter Dei
Abdias Debeo
Anno Domini
Abilena Deputo